Authors and affiliations

Melissa37 commented on Jul 4, 2019
To be considered on next version:

. Use this element to contain an author’s ORCID ID, or alternative identifier, with @contrib-id-type set to the ID-assigning authority; e.g., contrib-type=”orcid”.

authenticated=”true” – need to be explicit about what this means and why it’s required

@Melissa37 Melissa37 created this issue from a note in Roadmap (Done) on Jul 4, 2019

Melissa37 commented on Nov 5, 2019
ID: Identification
PU: Prescribed Usage
CV: Controlled Values
SV: Suggested Values

  1. CV – @ref-type (on ). When linking a to its use @ref-type=”aff” on [[Validator tool result: error if @ref-type on != “aff” if @Rid references an element ]]
  2. PU – . Capturing the institutional ID is not mandatory at this time. However, if the publisher does capture it, they should make every effort to ensure that it is accurate. Use to contain the ID, and @institution-id-type to indicate the type of ID; e.g., “grid” or “ringgold” the and elements within .
  3. PU/CV – @Country. If is used, then @Country must also be used and must be set to the 2-digit country code, as specified in ISO 3166-1 (recommended in the JATS tag library)binary
  4. ID – , @contrib-type. Contain each author within a element. If a contains an author, then @contrib-type must be set to “author”
  5. PU – @corresp. Use the corresp attribute on , set to value “yes”, to identify the corresponding author(s).binary


  1. Review to incorporate:
    Use fo PIDs such as ROR
    Author twitter handle as a piece of author correspondence
    Present address
    For correspondence
    Equal contributions

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